Bach Bibliography
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Author : Elders, Willem
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Elders, WillemStudien zur Symbolik in der Musik der Alten Niederländer. [Zugl.: Utrecht, Univ., Diss., 1968] Übers.: F. Schuddeboom-Bühler - Bilthoven: A.B.Creyghton 1968. 227p. (= Utrechtse bijdragen tot de muziekwetenschap, 4) 1968 227p
2. Elders, WillemKompositionsverfahren in der Musik der alten Niederländer und die Kunst J. S. Bachs. BeitrBachF 6 1987 110-135
3. Elders, WillemMusic of the Early Netherlanders as Prototype of J. S. Bach's Rhetorical Language. [cr]Stuttgart1995 1998 91-104
4. Elders, WillemCompositional procedures in Bach and the art of the early Netherlands. Paper read at International Bach Symposium Utrecht 2000, University of Utrecht 12-14 September 2000. [p]IBS_Utrecht Sep 2000
5. Elders, WillemMusic of the Early Netherlanders as Prototype of J. S. Bach's Rhetorical Language. Paper read at a conference on 'Die Quellen Johann Sebastian Bachs: Bachs Musik im Gottesdienst' held on 4-8 October 1995 in Stuttgart. [p]QJSB_Stuttgart Oct 1995

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita